October 1, 2019 marks the general availability of more than 400 new feature updates and capabilities across Dynamics 365 and the Power Platform. This release wave—one of our largest to date—showcases our continued investment in artificial intelligence to unlock proactive insights and drive intelligent action to accelerate your business transformation. marks the general availability of more than 400 new feature updates and capabilities across Dynamics 365 and the Power Platform. This release wave—one of our largest to date—showcases our continued investment in artificial intelligence to unlock proactive insights and drive intelligent action to accelerate your business transformation. https://cloudblogs.microsoft.com/dynamics365/bdm/2019/10/01/release-wave-2-launches-with-over-400-updates-new-apps-and-industry-solutions/
Check our services and learn more about the Microsoft Dynamic Applications we offer at Smartwork. https://smartworknet.eu/erp/